Brain Waves...

organized chaos

Sunday, November 8, 2009



I remember you!

Perhaps we shall become reacquainted, no?
I think maybe yes.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Precious Illusions- by Alanis Morissette

I will have to let my romantic illusions go. Finally already before they really do some major damage. One casualty has already been discovered in between us. :(

Friday, July 25, 2008


Dammit, it seems there are so many other things for me to do online, and so many other places to write in, that I always forget my little blog here!!!

Oh, poor poor thing, will thouest ever forgiveth me??? Willest thou?
Meh, they're just words on a page anyway. :P

Ok, how bout this: In the next few days I will write something Big and Meaningful. Well, maybe Big and Meaningful to me on a very small scale, that is to say, on a personal level. Yeah.
Ok, I gotta go.

So be good, poor blog.
Don`t have too much fun without me, throwing little word parties behind my back.

Friday, April 18, 2008

remembering remembered, and reminded part 2

The next song in my nostalgia`s installment. Don`t get any on ya...
(and yeah there is a live performance of this song I could put in, but I'm going for overall auric quality here. Look away and listen if you likey.)
Bigmouth Strikes Again by The Smiths.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

remembering remembered, and reminded...

Ok, I need at least ONE video put up to be satisfied, but which of the 5?? Just two bands in my mind and ears and heart now, so I`ll decide on what began this most recent nostalgic journey. And I begin...
The Queen Is Dead by The Smiths.

remembering remembered.

I come here tonite, tiredly drunk and in the middle of a busy nothing. I wish to speak, yet know not what about. The past few days have been intensely nostalgic for me. I`ve found songs on youtube I haven't heard, well, some for over 20 years. And it oh so reminds me of me then and the way I was. Oh, and this feeling behind it, now likened to a dusty memory sitting blankly behind me in the past. But with the listen of these songs, something far inside makes me ache in a blossomy, awakening way... I remember that way I was then, and the years that stretched out with me. I most importantly remember how I felt, how the atmosphere laid itself around me like a cocoon. These songs created a world for me, and I loved music. I guess I have to put these songs here, because they must be somewhere for me. for me only, to dip myself slowly back into the wax of my previous mold. Wick and flame once more...

videos must happen soon. But once I begin, I may not be able to stop. I`ll leave this a day or so and then return to see what I`ve decided.

Oh, to be the cream...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

the blankness under the page.

I have become so disillusioned with this blog thingy and my role here, and with anything I may think of saying. I keep leaving you alone blog, for too long at a time. I just don't know what to do with you. sorry. there should be some kind of manna spell to do away with self-doubt...